KeenTech’s consultant joins the company’s personnel to the point of being considered as a colleagues by the rest of the staff and reports to the CEO or the CFO. He fully acts as the manager of IT systems, taking on all the responsibilities implied by this function, but ensuring the level of competences of a professional and offering the contract length flexibility that only an external consultant can grant. His tasks include the following:
IT function leadership, in line with the Company’s strategic objectives
ICT budget definition and follow-up
Internal ICT team coordination
Active involvement in company meetings and open interaction with other Function Managers
Reporting to the Top Management on project advancement
Managerial support to extraordinary company activities
IT is a crosswise function. While focusing on the specific features and needs of the company in which they are going to work, KeenTech’s consultants get a head start, because they have already had a chance to test different technological solutions and implement partnerships aimed at achieving set objectives. This ensures more certain results and reduces the time needed to achieve them. A very wide range of projects can be involved:
Execution of calls for tenders (e.g. in the networks/telephone or print/server infrastructures sectors)
Implementation or technological upgrade of ERP, BI and CRM platforms
Development of b2b or b2c apps (e.g. sales force automation)
Development of eCommerce or web platforms for data exchange with distribution partners
Implementation of videoconferencing and office automation projects
Development of custom applications to support core-business activities
Revamping and upgrading of company website…